Rezensionen zu: Corepad Skatez PRO Logitech G703 Lightspeed / Logitech G603 Lightspeed / Logitech G403 HERO / Logitech G403 Prodigy / Logitech G403 Prodigy Wireless

    5 von 5 Sternen!
    Freitag, 20. Mai 2022
    I declare that I\'m absolutely satisfied with the purchase. I choose to buy directly to Corepad because I didn\'t have any other viable options in my country (Chile). I feared that the package would not arrived considering the distance that it should travel. Luckily, the delivery service is immaculate, because it arrived in good time and excellent conditions, so I have nothing to say more than thanks!
    Corepad Skatez PRO Logitech G703 Lightspeed / Logitech G603 Lightspeed / Logitech G403 HERO / Logitech G403 Prodigy / Logitech G403 Prodigy Wireless