Rezensionen zu: Corepad Skatez PRO SteelSeries XAI / Sensei / Sensei Ten / MLG / RAW / Fnatic / Guild Wars 2

    5 von 5 Sternen!
    Freitag, 23. Oktober 2020
    These skates have both positives and negatives in contrast with the standard Sensei Ten skates using a Steelseries QCK pad.\r\n\r\nCorepad Skatez have a much lower resistance, so the mouse glides further and can be moved faster. However I feel like my mouse doesn\'t have a linear resistance, so I can move it faster for 90-180 degree turns but still have control over micro-movements - this does take a while to get used to!\r\n\r\nThe only real issue I have with Corepad Skatez is that they raise the height of my mouse by a very small amount, they feel maybe twice the thickness of the Steelseries Sensei Ten. It\'s high enough to notice and I\'ve had to retrain myself on the way I grip my mouse. \r\n\r\nReally great product otherwise! Would use them again for sure, I might even like to try a more linear feeling skate with a similar teflon feel to the Sensei Ten.
    Corepad Skatez PRO SteelSeries XAI / Sensei / Sensei Ten / MLG / RAW / Fnatic / Guild Wars 2