Rezensionen zu: Corepad Skatez PRO Logitech G PRO X SUPERLIGHT Wireless

    2 von 5 Sternen!
    Dienstag, 23. März 2021
    The feet fit and glide nicely (v2) but that's about all the good I can say.rnrnThey don't seem to work well with the sensor, I'm getting tons of skipping especially during micro-adjustments. Since Logitech doesn't let you change lift-off distance anymore, this is a huge problem. I noticed if I press really hard on the mouse when moving it solves the issue, so it tells me the feet are too thick and the sensor starts freaking out. Logitech says their sensor auto-adapts so maybe it will take some time before it adapts, but for now this is unusable for me which is a shame because it means I cannot use my main mouse.....

    Corepad: You need to remove ALL of the Stock feet - also the foam - then you will have no more issues with the sensor - please try.
    Corepad Skatez PRO Logitech G PRO X SUPERLIGHT Wireless